How to Change the Tense in Indirect Speech

Rules For The Change Of Tenses [ Tense में परिवर्तन सम्बन्धी नियम ]

1-यदि Direct Speech का रिपोर्टिंग Part, Present अथवा Future Tense में हो तो Indirect बनाते समय Reported speech के Tenses में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं करते है l

For Examples:-
Direct-  They say, ” He have done that.”
Indirect-  They say taht he have done that.

Direct-  The child says to me, “I can jump so high.”
Indirect-  The child tells me that he can jump so high.

2-यदि Direct Speech का रिपोर्टिंग Part, Past Tense में हो तो Indirect बनाते समय Reported speech के Tenses में निम्नलिखित परिवर्तन करते है l :-

(i)-यदि Direct Speech का रिपोर्टेड Part, Present Indefinite Tense हो तो Indirect बनाते समय इसको Past Indefinite Tense में बदल देते है l-

For Examples:-
Direct-  They said, ” He goes to school daily.”
Indirect-  They said taht he went to school daily.

Direct-  The child said to me, “I jump so high.”
Indirect-  The child told me that he jumped so high.

(ii)-यदि Direct Speech का रिपोर्टेड Part, Present Continuous Tense हो तो Indirect बनाते समय इसको Past Continuous Tense में बदल देते है l-

For Examples:-
Direct-  They said, ” He is going to school.”
Indirect-  They said taht he was going to school.

Direct-  The child said to me, “I am jumping so high.”
Indirect-  The child told me that he was jumping so high.

(iii)-यदि Direct Speech का रिपोर्टेड Part, Present Perfect Tense हो तो Indirect बनाते समय इसको Past Perfect Tense में बदल देते है l-

For Examples:-
Direct-  They said, ” He has gone to school.”
Indirect-  They said that he had gone to school.

Direct-  The child said to me, “I have jumped so high.”
Indirect-  The child told me that he had jumped so high.

Rules For The Change Of Tenses [ Tense में परिवर्तन सम्बन्धी नियम ]

(iii)-यदि Direct Speech का रिपोर्टेड Part, Present Perfect Continuous Tense हो तो Indirect बनाते समय इसको Past Perfect Continuous Tense में बदल देते है-

For Examples:-
Direct-  They said, ” He has been going to school.”
Indirect-  They said taht he had been going to school.

Direct-  The child said to me, “I have been jumping so high.”
Indirect-  The child told me that he had been jumping so high.

(iv)-यदि Direct Speech का रिपोर्टेड Part, Past Indefinite Tense हो तो Indirect बनाते समय इसको Past Perfect Tense में बदल देते है-

For Examples:-
Direct-  They said, ” He went to school.”
Indirect-  They said that he had gone to school.

Direct-  The child said to me, “I jumped so high.”
Indirect-  The child told me that he had jumped so high.

(v)-यदि Direct Speech का रिपोर्टेड Part, Past Continuous Tense हो तो Indirect बनाते समय इसको Past Perfect Continuous Tense में बदल देते है-

For Examples:-
Direct-  They said, ” He was going to school.”
Indirect-  They said taht he had been going to school.

Direct-  The child said to me, “I was jumping so high.”
Indirect-  The child told me that he had been jumping so high.

(vi)-यदि Direct Speech का रिपोर्टेड Part, Past Perfect Tense या Past Perfect Continuous Tense में हो तो Indirect बनाते समय इसमें कोई परिवर्तन नहीं करते है-

For Examples:-
Direct-  They said, ” He had gone to school.”
Indirect-  They said that he had gone to school.

Direct-  The child said to me, “I had jumped so high.”
Indirect-  The child told me that he had jumped so high.

(vii)-यदि Direct Speech का रिपोर्टेड Part, में यदि Will, Shall, Can, May, आदि आये तो Indirect बनाते समय Will को would, shall को should, Can को could, May को might में बदल देते है l-

For Examples:-
Direct-  They said, ” He will go to school.”
Indirect-  They said taht he would go to school.

Direct-  I said to him, “I shall jump so high.”
Indirect-  I told him that I should jump so high.

(viii)-यदि Direct Speech का रिपोर्टेड Part, में यदि Would, Should, Could, Might, Must, Ought, आदि आये तो Indirect बनाते समय इनमे कोई परिवर्तन नहीं करते हैl

For Examples:-
Direct-  They said, ” He would like to go to school.”
Indirect-  They said that he would like to go to school.

Direct-  I said to him, “I shall jump so high.”
Indirect-  I told him that I should jump so high.

For Examples:-
Direct-  They said, ” He must go to school.”
Indirect-  They said that he must go to school.

Direct-  I said to him, “You ought to respect elders .”
Indirect-  I told him that he ought to respect elders.

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